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Two-year Programs

ATMAE logoThe AAS degree program is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering - ATMAE

The Technology Associate of Applied Science degree has two options: Applied Engineering and Computer Electronics.

Students completing the two-year Associate of Applied Science Degree in Technology can apply most of the credits earned toward the applicable four-year Bachelor of Science Degree should they decide to continue their education in the future.

Students must take an assessment examination before graduation.

Applied Engineering

Because there is a nation-wide shortage of qualified people, U.S. industries are seeking professional men and women who have a broad foundation of both technical and personal skills, including those in communication, critical-thinking, math, statistics, and science. The versatility of this degree allows graduates to contribute to many organizations. For example, they may work in supply chain management to help businesses minimize inventory costs, in quality assurance to help businesses keep their customers satisfied, and in production to help control costs and maximize efficiencies.

Computer Electronics

Graduates of the Computer Electronics (CE) program option are prepared for a career as a computer electronic technician. Graduates obtain jobs in a wide variety of manufacturing and service industries requiring skilled technicians to install, troubleshoot and maintain microprocessors, system components, programmable logic controllers, computer hardware and software. Graduates of the CE option of the AAS in Technology program will demonstrate fundamental knowledge in electricity/ electronics at the technician’s level; demonstrate proficiency in basic computing skills; demonstrate proficiency in basic networking skills relevant to small office/home (SOHO) environments; and demonstrate effective communication skills while conveying information to technical and non-technical audiences.

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