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Engineering Technology Management

ATMAE logoThe ETM Program is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering - ATMAE

This program prepares graduates for many supervisory and technical management positions in industry. These positions may be in such areas as production supervision, product development, quality control, maintenance supervision, project management, production control and related areas.

Graduates will be able to relate terminology, techniques and methodology to applied technical managerial concepts; demonstrate the ability to formulate and apply technical problem solving and managerial concepts; be able to apply the concepts of mathematics and the physical sciences to solve technical problems.

Degree Requirements

Engineering Technology Management (B.S.)

BS/MS Accelerated "3+2" Dual Degree Program

Technology (A.A.S.)



Dennis Field, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
Tim Ross, Ed.D.
Sergio Sgro, Ph.D.
Ni Wang, Ph.D.

The Department of Applied Engineering and Technology also offers Master of Science Degree (M.S.) programs in:
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